Political events such as the G20 meetings have had a great impact in tourism as these events have boosted tourism by a great margin. Bilateral political meetings such as G20 are usually very advantageous to the host country and particularly the city they are held in. This is because of the reason that these meetings involved a large number of delegations from allover the world. This leads to increased business in the tourism sector especially because due to accommodations for the attendees. Usually, when political events are being held hotel bookings are at 100% as there are different stakeholders involved in these events. This is inclusive of the delegations, their security teams and foreign journalists among other guests.
Other than the high number of foreigners in countries where political events like bilateral meeting are being held, the countries and specifically the cities that host the guests enjoy a world class exposure. This in turn helps a great deal in ensuring that the city is broadcaster to billions of people allover the globe. Such kind of international exposure is quite important in that it helps in enhancing the global recognition of the city/country. The international exposure helps a great deal in marketing the city/country to potential tourists thereby making the city a great tourist destination.
Regional ties and partnerships among countries also help in boosting tourism (both international and local tourism) by a great margin. The best thing about such ties is that they market member countries to potential tourists as a block as opposed to individual countries. This is specifically the case with the East Africa region boasting of increased tourism due to the bilateral ties between the 5 member countries. Similarly, in Asia (which is ranked among the top global tourist destination) the increased level of tourism is accounted for by the fact that Asia has been politically active over the last decade.
Politics are at the heart of every country’s operations. As such, all aspects revolve around the political setting of a country. Politics has a direct impact on tourism with the impact being experienced in the performance of the tourism sector within a specific timeframe. In addition to this, the performance of a country’s economy is mainly dependent on the political setting of the country. In countries where the political scene is well established and stable, it is quite easy for the tourism of such a country to be highly favored. As such, the tourism sector thrives greatly thereby not only contributing to the tourism industry but also the economy at large.
By extension, the political events of a country also have a great impact in the tourism sector of the country. These are events such as elections that attract foreign media players who in turn broadcast the country and its notable attraction sites to the world. This does not only market the country’s tourism sector but also presents the country with a chance of being able to establish itself in the global scene. Such a case is clearly seen in Africa when countries are holding elections and foreign media houses cover the elections and broadcast them to the whole world. However, this can be self destructive in instances when election aftermath turn violent and this is broadcasted all over the world. This can easily paint a bad image of the country in the minds of tourists such that they may express negative ideas about the country.
In general, the politics of a country have a direct impact on the success of the tourism industry of the country. This is due to the reason that politics run a country and thus all sectors thrive due to the influence of the political class and events. Countries that have undergone political unrests know just how important political stability is for tourism to thrive in the best way possible. People opposed to political events such as bilateral meetings and elections have greatly affected the tourism sector. This is because of the reason that any form of instability is the greatest threat/enemy to the growth of tourism in a country. Tourism is surely headed for great heights in the near future.
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