Tourism industry

Plastic Pollution in Tourism: How Global Brands Can Lead a Recycling Revolution

Explore the impact of plastic pollution on tourism. Discover the initiatives and challenges faced by global brands, governments, and travelers in combating plastic waste. Learn about the crucial role of corporate responsibility, sustainable tourism practices, and policies to protect ecosystems and local economies.

Combating Plastic Pollution in Tourism: Initiatives and Challenges

The impact of plastic pollution on tourism is undeniable, as discarded plastic bottles and wrappers mar once-pristine tourist destinations, affecting local economies and natural habitats. Global brands play a pivotal role in this crisis, but some have begun taking steps in the right direction. Corporate responsibility in fighting plastic pollution** is evident in initiatives like Coca-Cola's "World Without Waste" and other recycling programs for beverage companies aimed at collecting and recycling their products. Yet, in many developing regions, limited waste management infrastructure and rising tourism demand for plastic-wrapped goods create challenges for sustainable waste management in tourist destinations.

Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach. Beyond corporate accountability, sustainable tourism practices to reduce plastic waste are essential. Tourists can choose providers focused on eco-friendly initiatives, minimize the use of single-use plastics, and promote sustainability online. Governments, especially in developing countries, need to implement effective policies to manage plastic pollution and consider stronger ecocide and environmental protection policies. By working together, businesses, governments, and travelers can significantly reduce the impact of plastic waste on tourism.

09/05/2024 18:00

The Ripple Effects of El Niño on Bogotá’s Tourism Industry

The Ripple Effects of El Niño on Bogotá’s Tourism Industry: Navigating the Waters of Change

Dive into the heart of Bogotá, Colombia, as we explore the significant challenges posed by water scarcity due to the El Niño phenomenon. Discover how this issue affects the city's vibrant tourism sector, from local culture and historical attractions to accommodation and infrastructure. Join us in analyzing the impacts, discussing adaptive strategies, and highlighting the crucial role of sustainable practices in maintaining Bogotá as a prime destination for international visitors.

13/04/2024 22:23

Tourismembassy the world embassy of tourism announces new features

Tourismembassy the world embassy of tourism announces new features

Tourismembassy Announces new features Providing a Social Platform and Network Focused on Travel, Tourism and Its Key Players

Finding in-depth information about nearly anywhere in the world has become much easier, thanks to the launch of the new travel social platform TourismEmbassy. Serving both travelers and tourism professionals, the new network has been met with a quick enthusiastic response.

The umbrella girls takes all eyes in all motor races around the world

The umbrella girls takes all eyes in all motor races around the world

The girls of the paddock...A world full of Glamour and colors. The Umbrella Girls are part of the show.

30/11/2014 12:38

Aromatherapy best spa in the world

Monster Jam Show - The American Monster Truck Show

A Look into American Monster Truck Shows

Make the Best Use of Tourism Social Network Platform to Enjoy Incentives

11/07/2014 12:26

Think Out of the Box

Think Outside of the Box is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective.

Creativity + Productivity = Success 

This concept has become widely used in business environments, especially by Tourism consultants and executive coaches in the Industry.


Imagination is more important than Knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Albert Einstein

11/01/2014 06:46

Happy Holiday 2013-2014

28/12/2013 14:00

Impacts of amusement parks on tourism

Impacts of amusement parks on tourism

Amusement parks can be best described as artificially created parks that are designed and developed for the sole purpose of offering visitors   entertainment and new experiences. Over the years, there has been the coming up of very notable amusement parks such as Disney; parks that have had a great impact on tourism. There are endless economic aspects that are associated with the establishment of these parks. By extension, the parks have also had notable influence on tourism and lead to the upcoming of new trends in tourism. Amusement parks constitute a substantial proportion of the total global tourism. This is because of the fact that these parks boast of very high numbers through out the year. There is practically no peak and off-peak seasons for amusement parks.

21/10/2013 15:11

Impact of the music industry in the tourism industry

The tourism industry has topped as one of the fastest developing sectors of the global economy. This unique success has been attributed to a number of factors most notably the impact of that the music industry has had on tourism. In the present day, music flows in arguably each and every sector of the economy. As such, it has had great influences on tourism and has thereby left behind a trail of benefits on the sector. Over the years, music has been revolutionalized a lot leading to emerging trends in the music industry. It is very important to note that there are a number of ways through which music has affected tourism either directly or indirectly.

18/10/2013 12:58

Impact of casinos in main tourists places

Impact of casinos in main tourists places

The tourism industry remains one of the fastest developing industries all across the globe. This is because of the fact that the industry has been quite open to developments and changes that having in turn enabled the sector to be quite vibrant and dynamic. Similarly, the gaming industry has also grown at a very outstanding rate and has had great impacts on tourism and other sectors. Casinos in particular have had a wide range of effects on tourism by acting as a key attraction factor to most tourist destinations. Over the years, the gaming  industry especially casinos have been refined uniquely  to possess world class  features that  go a long way in  enhancing the quality of services offered in casinos.

14/10/2013 11:19

Impacts of war conflicts in the tourism industry

There is arguably no doubt about the importance of tourism in the economy of any country. This is due to the reason tourism contributes to more than 50% of a country’s economy annually. Despite the fact that the tourism sector has been thriving greatly over the last few years, it has also been greatly affected by war conflicts and instabilities in countries. Generally, for tourism to thrive efficiently peace and stability are some of the most important factors that need to be enhanced. Countries that have experienced war conflicts have suffered a great blow in its tourism sector. War conflicts and political have great negative impacts on tourism. These impacts are such as:

20/09/2013 15:03

Tourismembassy industry- Impact of political Class and events in the Tourism Industry

The tourism sector has been on a steady growth over the last few years. This is mainly due to the reason that the sector has undergone great changes and developments. Additionally, the political class and political events have gone a long way in boosting the global tourism scene. Official reports from UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) indicate that in 2010 alone there were not less than 935 million tourists allover the world. This was an increase of 7% as compared to the number of tourists in 2009.The main contributing factor to this immense growth was noted to be the impact of   political class &events as well as the World Cup Football Championship.

20/09/2013 14:57

Tourism industry- Homes -Apartments- Private accommodations

The tourism sector/industry has been one of the most vibrant sectors of the economy. This is due to the reason that the sector has been very dynamic with the onset of new trends and developments in the sector. The best thing about trends and developments in the tourism sector is the fact that these trends have led to the incredible growth of the sector. This has in turn made it quite easy to ensure that the sector has a lot to offer to travelers who spend their hard earned cash in visiting different places allover the world. The sector records high activity mainly during summers and holiday seasons when people have a lot of time in their hands to visit different places.

20/09/2013 14:48