200 Economies: The First Business Journey to Every Country of the World

25/06/2020 06:04

Source: PR News

200 Economies: The First Business Journey to Every Country of the World

Business Advisor Lorenzo Riccardi visited 200 countries and territories, collecting data and economic trends, completing the greatest business travel around the world

MILAN, June 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The project 200 Economies has ended at the beginning of 2020: the largest world business journey conceived by the international CPA and passionate traveler Lorenzo Riccardi, who was able to combine his interest for new geographies with the current trends of an always more global economy.



The project started from the concept of "G-200," an ideal cluster including all the countries in the world. Globalization has indeed allowed the creation of always more interactions among different countries in terms of trade, finance, investments, diplomacy and culture. G-200 is a project promoting a future change from G-20 to a global economy with investments to all developed, emerging and frontier countries.

With the last travel to Trinidad and Tobago, Lorenzo Riccardi has completed his own Grand Tour to every economy of the world visiting 200 countries and territories, including all member states of the United Nations (193) and carrying out the greatest business tour around the world. Over the years Riccardi has planned itineraries and collected economic data on a dedicated website (200-economies.com), organizing conferences under the patronage of investment agencies and government organizations.

Lorenzo Riccardi has been living in China, leader country of the emerging markets, for 14 years and decided to follow the new path of Chinese investments from the Great Wall to the entire world as a modern Marco Polo. A complex travel, in stages, along the Silk Road and the global market to catch all the newest economic trends under the influence of Washington and Beijing.

After the pandemic the concept of travelling will probably change but the importance of global markets will not vary. To travel to different regions and in all the UN countries it takes a good organization, both from a logistic and bureaucratic point of view: there are many visas difficult to get such as the one for Equatorial Guinea and Turkmenistan. Also, many areas are not well connected by flights, like for example Kribati which is the most easterly country in the world or Nauru which is the least visited with only 180 visitors per year. It's also important to have a good knowledge of dangerous areas, where there are ongoing wars (Iraq, Syria, Lybia), or areas at risk of serious illnesses (such as Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Yellow Fever in most parts of Africa and Covid today on a global scale). Moreover, different time zones and weather conditions, political systems and religious influences are important factors to be take into consideration when planning journeys and also to understand all the different regions.

"To understand the global development, it's important to travel from China to the rest of the world," says the creator of the project "200 Economies" Lorenzo Riccardi"In Southeast Asia, Thailand and Vietnam both represent the ideal partners for investments in that area with export trades towards West. In Africa the influence of Beijing is tangible: the new airport of Algiers, the railways along the coasts of Nigeria, the AU Conference Center and Office Complex in Addis Abeba and the biggest mosque of the continent have all been built by Chinese companies. Also, in Oceania, one of the regions most influenced by the US, the Belt and Road projects brought to the construction of new airports, roads and infrastructures connecting the Pacific area with Asia, both from an economic and geographic point of view."

About Lorenzo Riccardi

Lorenzo is an International CPA and the Managing Partner of RsA. Researcher at Shanghai University; has covered roles in the governance of institutions, nonprofit and multi-nationals, including some the largest luxury, mechanical and food groups. He is a regular speaker on emerging Asia and has multi-language publications, including: China Accounting Standards (Springer), Ásia: Economia, fiscalidade e Investimento (Nova Delphi), Vietnam Tax Guide, (Springer), Investing in China through Free Trade Zones (Springer), Gli investimenti in Asia Orientale (Maggioli), Guida alla fiscalità di Cina, India e Vietnam (Il Sole 24 Ore).

Previously Lorenzo Riccardi had travelled the entire Eurasian region overland. He's now one of the greatest travelers in the world, having visited every sovereign country and after this journey he won't stop and will seek new paths looking the world as a Western citizen based in Asia, exploring the opportunities offered by the globalization in each region.

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1196439/Lorenzo_Riccardi_200_Economies.jpg

Giulia Consiglio
E: giuliac@nowpr.it
M: (+39) 3462536872

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