More than 500,000 tons of non-recycled plastic bottles a year. Help us maintain and improve the environment. Squash the bottles and put them in separate bags to organic waste. I have crossed the largest deserts in the world and still do not understand how it is possible that such beautiful landscapes are full of bottles and plastic bags. The Sahara Desert, the Kalahari Desert, the Australian desert, the Arabian Desert and many more.... My favourites places are the Chihuahuan Desert and the Atacama Desert.
Mónica - Passionated about nature
It’s all about you ... I am the chief of the orchestra that directs all your calls and messages.
Rachel - Secretary and responsible for all the personal agenda of the members of a family office in Ireland
I arrive everywhere 10 minutes before schedule delivery... You never know what you got but the recipient always sees it as very important...
Vincent - Employed in an international courier company and fan of FC Barcelona
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