I love to communicate, discover my projects and to position them on top of the network ... Among the world's top social network sites is tourismembassy.com. The biggest project in the world focussed on tourism.
Lee - Freelance community manager with multiple SEO projects and tourism 2.0
To protect my community and make the neighbourhoods of my city quiet and safe is part of my job. If you're lost and cannot find Big Ben I help you too...I´ve seen all the shows in the city and I am a big fan of musicals. The Lion King, The Phantom of the Opera, Sunset Boulevard fascinated me but I fell in love with les Miserables.
Margaret - Police Women
My birthdays are always full of surprises and where my friends always have fun. To enjoy another party soon, hopefully this year goes fast. Next year we will celebrate it in a very famous park near Paris ... Sound familiar? Don´t tell... Its another surprise !
Keira & Gael - Professional event organizer
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