To check that all information is secure is my responsibility ... If the printer does not work, check if it is connected :) She loves jokes and good fun, always willing to help the others. She is an active member of an international ONG.
Miriam - IT responsible in a computer network & communications company
I love to communicate, discover my projects and to position them on top of the network ... Among the world's top social network sites is tourismembassy.com. The biggest project in the world focussed on tourism.
Lee - Freelance community manager with multiple SEO projects and tourism 2.0
There is always a time and a place to dance .... The wedding of your best friend, the communion of your nephew, your 16-year-old daughter´s birthday, a dance festival or just a romantic getaway with your partner ... We spend our lives dancing...
Nelly & Peter - Nelly & Peter met after divorcing two years ago
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