Brazil and Argentina in Top Half of 'Most Admired' National Brands

04/02/2016 03:00

Source: PR News

NUREMBERG, Germany, February 4, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

  • Brazil climbs ahead of Greece, widening lead over Argentina 
  • Russia, China and Singapore push Argentina to bottom of the top half 
  • Mexico overtaken by Czech Republic and India 

Brazil has widened its lead over Argentina in the annual Anholt-GfK Nation Brands IndexSM (NBISM).  

In 2014, Brazil led Argentina by just one place (standing 21st and 22nd respectively). In the latest survey, however, Brazil has rebounded, climbing ahead of Greece to take the 20th position, while Argentina has been overtaken by Russia, China and Singapore and now lies in 25th place.

Mexico, the third most highly rated Latin American country, suffered a drop in ranking, slipping back to 31st place, with the Czech Republic and India, which both made strong gains this year, jumping ahead. Peru has been overtaken by Egypt, thus widening Chile's lead over Peru.

        Anholt-GfK NBI[SM] overall ranking - Latin American
       2015 rank                        2014 rank    2013 rank
           20             Brazil            21           20
           25            Argentina          22           24
           31             Mexico            29           30
           35              Chile            35           38
           37              Peru             36           37
           43             Ecuador           43           43
           44            Colombia           44           44

Brazil, Argentina and Mexico seen as strongest in their 'Culture'; Chile and Ecuador in their 'Governance' 

The NBISM study measures global perceptions of the national image of 50 countries worldwide. Respondents from around the globe are asked to assess each country on 23 separate attributes, which combine to form six core dimensions: Exports, Governance, Culture, People, Tourism and Immigration / Investment. These six dimensions produce the country's overall NBISM ranking.

Brazil (20th in the overall ranking) is well-regarded by the global public for its Culture, earning a top-10 finish in this area, and for its Tourism, where it is rated 16th. The areas that hold Brazil back from doing even better are global perceptions of its Governance and Exports (standing 26th and 25th respectively).

Argentina, which ranks 25th overall, is also ranked 25th for Governance, putting it just ahead of Brazil in this area - but wins higher global credit for its Culture and People - standing at 17th and 22nd respectively.

Mexico (31st overall) performs well for both its Culture and Tourism - beating over half of the other nations to finish 22nd and 23rd, respectively, for these areas.

For Chile and Ecuador, their overall nation brands are bolstered by the global public's regard for their Governance. Both nations win their highest ranking for this area, standing at 29th and 36th, respectively.

Vadim Volos, GfK's senior vice president of public affairs and consulting, comments, "With the Olympics being held in Rio this year, this is an excellent opportunity for LatAm nations to promote the strongest elements of their international image to attract more global citizens to visit and do business within the continent."

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