Congress Fails Airline Passengers, New Study Finds

16/08/2016 22:01

Source: PR News

WASHINGTON, Aug. 17, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --, the largest US based airline passenger group, has released a comprehensive Airline Passenger Report Card for all 535 members of Congress.  Paul Hudson President of and a member of the FAA Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee, noted, "The very low scores and grades will come as no surprise to millions of American air travelers. Many members on both sides of the aisle received failing grades." measured Congressional efforts in protecting airline passenger rights over the past eight years.  It used 10 criteria including voting records, bills sponsored, and money accepted from the airline industry. Out of over 100 possible points, the average letter grade was a "D" for poor.

New York Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and California Representative Mike Thompson achieved the highest scores with 17 and 25 respectively, while Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) had the lowest scores of 0 and -6 respectively. Five Members received failing grades of F: Peter DeFazio (D-OR 4th), Bill Schuster (R-PA 9th), Senators Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), and John Thune (R-SD).

Mr. Hudson further stated, "It is important for the public and voters to be aware of and hold members of congress accountable for their slow responses and downright refusal to address the frustrations of airline passengers.  This includes deteriorating service, ever shrinking airline seats, mounting ancillary fees, refusal to provide information and rights needed to hold airlines and TSA accountable for long delays, lost baggage and other consumer abuses."

Passengers can search the Report Card  to see how their members of Congress are performing. The Report Card will help airline passengers become better informed as they vote in upcoming elections and also should help members of Congress enact needed airline passenger reforms in 2017.



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