In search of projects that strengthen European solidarity in times of crisis
INNSBRUCK, Austria, Nov. 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Open for applications: Competitive call onset for the "Emperor-Maximilian-Prize" to all initiatives and projects with a special contribution to European cohesion. The sponsorship prize is endowed with 10,000 euros. Three European officials could be won as patrons: Presidents Stefano Bonaccini (Council of European Municipalities and Regions), Anders Knape (Congress of Local and Regional Authorities) and Apostolos Tzitzikostas (European Committee of the Regions).
Let's make a difference
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the motto "Facing challenges together – for a stronger Europe" has since spring become an essential part of society. "Especially in these particularly challenging times, it is more important than ever to act jointly to overcome the pandemic and its consequences.", emphasizes Governor Günther Platter. Against this background, the Region of the Tyrol and the City of Innsbruck decided on the thematic focus "Civil society commitment and the contribution of young Europeans in times of crisis". Initiatives and projects from all areas of society, which live the European bond, can be submitted on
Cohesion and strength
"A strong, united Europe needs people who creatively realize their ideas and projects despite suddenly emerging obstacles. We are looking for projects and initiatives that put the European idea into practice, beyond local, regional and national borders", says Mayor Georg Willi. City Councillor in charge, Christine Oppitz-Plörer, hopes for numerous applications: "The buzzwords of this year's "Emperor-Maximilian-Prize" are meaningful: local – regional – united in Europe. We need European cohesion and European opportunities, especially for our young people."
In search of projects across Europe
The Europe-wide call for proposals ends on January 31, 2021. An expert jury will select the winning project from the submissions in the coming year.
contact: Cornelia Kössler
+43 690 6020 0007

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