LONDON, July 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ --
Win £1000 or £100 to spend at your favourite local shop in London
To celebrate and promote their app, innovative French start-up FlipNpik are launching a competition aimed at finding London's hidden gems. Named SOS, the meaning of the acronym accurately describes FlipNpik's purpose - to 'Share Our Shop.'
FlipNpik will be the first social media platform to reward and remunerate users to inscribe businesses on the platform, create and share their content and help them increase their visibility and using the #SOSLondon hashtag, the contest is open to bloggers, influencers and journalists.
There will be three winners each getting £1000 from FlipNpik to spend at their nominated location whose picture with most likes on their Instagram posts. In addition, there will be 20 weekly spot prizes, announced over social media.
The competition's mission is to increase awareness around local and responsible consumption while revealing London's most "charming" neighbourhood businesses…
FlipNpik's CEO Henri Harland said: "We are looking for London-based bloggers and journalists to get involved and help spread the word via our #SOSLondon competition, to contribute to the improvement of the local economy.
"We may expand the competition to other locations at a later date, but initially we are looking for Londoners to share locations that are special to them and maybe aren't so well-known.
"It could be a local restaurant, business or venue and the exposure on our Facebook page will hopefully encourage others to visit.
"By downloading the FlipNpik app, we hope we will reveal some fascinating new finds for Londoners that might be right beneath their nose."
Need to know stuff:
This contest is only for the residents of the UK.
FlipNpik is offering 3x £1000 & 20x £100 prizes and participants must complete these three steps:
1. Post your best picture of your favourite local business in London on your Instagram account. In the caption, write the name of the business and add these two hashtags: #SOSLondon #FlipNpik
2. Follow @flipnpik on Instagram and FlipNpikWorldwide on Facebook
3. Download FlipNpik mobile app available for free on App Store and Google Play.
** Double the chance to win, by sharing this contest post on Instagram Highlight until 17 August 2018, 18:00 (GMT+1). Don't forget to tag FlipNpik so we can see it.
The prizes will be distributed as follows:
3x £1000 - given to the most liked post - (make sure your account is public).
20x £100 - winners drawn from participants who followed our guidelines via a weekly draw
We will announce the winners on our Instagram story on Monday, 20 August at 5pm (GMT+1). The winners will be contacted by Instagram DM.
Closing date for entry will be 16 August, 2018, 23h59 (GMT+1). After this date no further entries to the competition will be permitted.
Loads of weekly prizes. Plus FlipNpik will reward everybody who takes part - all participants in this campaign will automatically receive 2000 Flip Social points that they will be able to use within the app soon to open your surprise box or spin the wheel of saving.
Further info: FlipNpik are an innovative start-up company, with a young, dynamic and passionate team united around common values: stimulating nearby businesses viability, allowing for a better quality of life within the neighbourhood.
FlipNpik will be the first social media platform to reward and remunerate users to inscribe businesses on the platform, create and share their content and help them increase their visibility.
FlipNpik use cutting edge technologies such as the Blockchain enhanced with inbound marketing strategies to create the FlipNpik platform.
Within our ecosystem, local businesses will be able to increase their visibility by leveraging a large community of users eager to support local channels of consumption either as clients or ambassadors.

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