His Serene Highness Prince Albert II, Crowne Prince of Monaco, Honored With the Friend of Zion Award from Israel's 9th President Shimon Peres

15/04/2016 14:52

Source: PR News

MONACO, April 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- His Serene Highness Prince Albert II, Crowne Prince of Monaco was awarded the Friends of Zion Award Friday by Israel's ninth President, Shimon Peres. The award represents one of the major objectives of the Friends of Zion Heritage Center, which operates a museum in Jerusalem, and has a global initiative of building a bridge to millions of friends worldwide to counter BDS and anti-Semitism.

Prince Albert, who has been a significant voice for strengthening world support for Israel and the Jewish people said: "I speak for the Grimald house when I say here how proud and privileged I feel to accept this award as a symbol of the strong relations between Israel and Monaco. It is an honor to have you as our guests."

Former President Peres also said that he feels even more grateful for this occasion right before Passover, the Jewish holiday of liberation, and one of the most important holydays for the Jewish people around the world: "Israel's relationship with Europe is a significant one for the international community as a whole. We consider our friendship with Monaco, as well as with the rest of the European states, a strategic alliance which will lead the world on a better path and will bring on a brighter future."

The Friends of Zion Museum opened in Jerusalem last September and has set itself a goal of serving as a bridge, connecting people from around the world and motivating more communities to come out in support of Israel.

The museum includes state-of-the-art exhibitions and displays, among them 3D displays and a unique audiovisual innovation developed exclusively for the museum.

The Friends of Zion museum emphasizes the saving of Jews during the Holocaust and the contribution made by the Righteous Among the Nations. It highlights the connection to Zionism and praises the work of those who have come to the aid of the Jewish people in recent times – through the British Mandate, the Holocaust and up until the establishment of the State of Israel.

The museum is the result of the hard work of thousands of supporters of Israel from all over the world, showcasing the contribution of Israel's friends such as former US President Harry Truman, former UK Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, Prof. George Bush, who was a relative of former US President George Bush, Orde Wingate, as well as the Righteous Among the Nations – individuals such as Oskar Schindler, Raoul Wallenberg, and the ten Boom family, who risked their lives to save the lives of Jews who were being persecuted all over the world.

Museum Address: Friends of Zion Museum, 20 Yosef Rivlin Street, Jerusalem. The Museum is currently open to visitors, reservation recommended on the Museum's website: www.fozmuseum.com or by emailing our reservation department at res@fozhc.com or +972-2-532-9400.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160415/356062


SOURCE Friends of Zion Museum

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