Impact of the World Cup 2014 in the tourism industry
2014 World Cup is fast approaching and Brazil is gearing up to host this great event. The best thing about World Cup is that it is an international event that brings together all countries from allover the globe. Just like any other global event, World Cup has been noted to have great impacts on tourism. Countries like South Africa that have hosted the event previously have benefitted greatly as far as tourism is put into consideration.
Over the years, Brazil has been one of the most visited and preferred tourist destinations in Southern America. Much of the tourism in Brazil is accounted for by the fast growing middle class that accounts for the all time high domestic tourism. Additionally, the country also enjoys great international tourism with tourists coming from all over the world. Currently, the country’s tourism sector is the sixth largest sector across the globe. This is quite important in that it has made it easy for the country to prepare itself in anticipation of the high number of visitors expected next year.
FIFA settled for Brazil as host for the 2014 World Cup mainly because of the country’s potential to hold millions of foreign visitors and its arguably outstanding stadiums. The main connection between this unique event and tourism is that the event does not only market tourism to millions of people across the globe but also provides direct business to tourism. This is mainly accounted for by the fact that the millions of soccer fans that are expected to flood Brazil require accommodation facilities. In addition to this, they also require to visit different attractive places during their stay in the country. The best thing about Brazil is that it is in a position to comfortably provide these two services with much ease.
With gorgeous beaches and a 7,500 Kilometers sunny coastline, Brazil is the ultimate tourist destination in Southern America. Brazil is also quite large in terms of size as it takes up close to half of the whole Southern America continent. As such, the country has so much to offer to visitors thereby providing football fans with a great opportunity to have a vacation like no other. One of the greatest impacts of World Cup on tourism in Brazil is that the event has marketed the country’s tourism sector far and wide. As of now, most hotels and accommodation facilities have received full bookings in anticipation of the World Cup next year.
World Cup has always been a reliable and dependable source of revenue for the tourism. This is mainly through accommodation services and visiting attractive tourist destinations. As such, Brazil is set to benefit greatly inform of revenue collection in the tourism sector. What’s more important about this event is that for the better part of next year, tourism will be at its peak. This is expected to boost the sector by a great margin and also set a record for the country’s tourism sector. It is important to note that Brazil’s tourism is slowly gaining momentum especially after the stabilization of the country’s economy. Therefore, with the World Cup being hosted in Brazil the tourism industry will be able to compete favorably for control of the global tourism.
Rio de Janeiro’s fame and Amazon wonders are some of the key tourist attraction sites in Brazil. However, up until now the potential of these sites has not been fully expounded thereby hindering full development of the tourism sector in Brazil. This is however set to change next year as the World Cup event is expected to enhance the full exposure of these tourist sites. This is in turn expected to boost the country’s tourism sector towards reliance on international tourism as opposed to local tourism. This is because of the reason that most Brazilians have been observed to have a high preference for international tourism in cities like Miami as opposed to visiting attractive sites in Brazil. Therefore, unless the country’s tourism sector edges towards international tourism, its growth and development might be quite hard to achieve.
The World Cup in 2014 is expected to give Brazil’s tourism industry a major facelift especially because the industry has suffered a huge blow due to poor government policies. However, this situation is set to improve for the better as the World Cup is expected to show a new side of the country’s tourism industry. This is a side that has never been seen before; a side that portrays the country’s great potential as far as high tourism standards are concerned. Tourists need not have any concerns on security as the government has put in place measures that are set to improve sector in the country.
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