More than 500 new vehicles at Communauto - Auto-mobile doubles its fleet in Montreal and Québec City

19/04/2016 08:57

Source: PR News

MONTREAL, April 19th 2016 /CNW Telbec/ - Communauto, North America's oldest carsharing company, announced today its development plan for 2016. In the coming weeks, nearly 600 new hybrid and electric cars will be added in Canada (Montreal, Québec, Ottawa and Halifax) and in France. 515 of these cars are bound for the Québec market. In the province, this will boost the number of Communauto carsharing vehicles from 1370 to more than 1800 (70 of which are replacements in order to renew the fleet). 

Auto-mobile's free-floating service doubles

In both cities where Auto-mobile is available, the number of vehicles will double: Montreal will welcome 275 new vehicles (25 of which will be 100% electric), bringing the total of Auto-mobile vehicles to 550 for the city. In Québec City, the fleet will go from 30 to 55 vehicles (all hybrids). 

Complete version of the PRESS RELEASE

Highlights :

  • Nearly 600 vehicles added in 2016 to Communauto's canadian and european network, boosting to 2500 the number of cars available.
  • 1815 of these vehicles for the Québec market.
  • Communauto's carsharing offer replaces 15 000 privately-owned cars.
  • 30 news service points to be added to Communauto's station-based service in Montreal, Québec, Sherbrooke, Gatineau and Longueuil.
  • Auto-mobile's free-floating service doubles its fleet in Montreal and Québec City :
    • Montreal: from 275 to 550 vehicles.
    •  Québec City: from 30 to 55 vehicles.
  • 50% increase of Auto-mobile's 100% electric vehicle fleet.
  • Communauto is Canada's carsharing operator with the largest electric vehicle fleet.
  • Express subscription process and new version of the mobile app in 2016.



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