MULTIVU VIDEO FEED: On Flag Day, Illusionist David Copperfield and the Smithsonian Blend Fact and Fiction to "Find" the Missing 15th Star

14/06/2019 11:59

Source: PR News



Friday, June 14, 2019

4:30 PM – 4:45 PM ET

7:30 PM – 7:45 PM ET

Galaxy 17

Galaxy 17

Transponder 18 – Upper

Transponder 18 – Upper



Downlink Freq: 12069 Vertical

Downlink Freq: 12069 Vertical

Bandwidth 18 MHz

Bandwidth 18 MHz

Symbol Rate: 13.235

Symbol Rate: 13.235

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Data Rate: 18.2954

FEC: 3/4

FEC: 3/4

NEWS: On Flag Day, Illusionist David Copperfield and the Smithsonian Blend Fact and Fiction to "Find" the Missing 15th Star

FORMAT:  B-roll and Soundbites 

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES:  Video, hard copy requests, downloadable MPEG4, contact information and more available at

In a one-of-a-kind specially created illusion, David Copperfield will attempt to "find the missing 15th star" during an event centered on the 205-year-old flag located at the heart of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. The illusion precedes the museum's annual naturalization ceremony in partnership with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in which 15 candidates will become American citizens. Before the 11 am event, Copperfield will join the museum's Elizabeth MacMillan Director Anthea Hartig, and Curator of the Star-Spangled Banner Jennifer Jones to talk about the flag's significance and the wonder of its magic.

On the morning of Sept. 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key saw the enormous flag flying over the Fort and was inspired to write the song that became the national anthem. After the battle, the flag remained with the family of the commander of Fort McHenry, Lieutenant Colonel George Armistead. In the tradition of relic worship, family members permitted "souveniring" or the snipping of small pieces from the flag. One star was cut out "for some official person" but "who" that person was is unknown to historians. The family loaned the Star-Spangled Banner to the Smithsonian in 1907 and gifted it in 1912 to be shared with the nation.

SOUNDBITES: David Copperfield, Illusionist

PRE-EVENT B-ROLL INCLUDES: David Copperfield with an image of the first known photograph of the Star-Spangled Banner, a painted panel representing the Star-Spangled Banner's missing 15th star, at his International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts. Footage available now.

EVENT B-ROLL INCLUDES: David Copperfield 'Find the Missing Star' illusion footage. Footage will be available shortly after event on Friday, June 14.

SOURCE:  National Museum of American History, Smithsonian


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/PRNewswire -- June 14, 2019/

SOURCE National Museum of American History, Smithsonian

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