New SKAL International USA Executive Committee Officially Takes Office, Defines Goals At 2017 Winter Board Meeting In Orlando

13/02/2017 18:16

Source: PR News

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The new 2017 SKAL International USA Executive Committee officially took office and began work at their  recent Winter Board Meeting in Orlando, Fla., endorsing recommendations of its Futures Committee, confirming its formal mission statement, goals and objectives for the year ahead.

New officers for the coming year are Holly Power, President, SKAL International Boston; Burcin Turkkan, Vice President—Administration, SKAL International Atlanta; Alton Hagen, Vice President—Finance, SKAL International Kansas City; Toni Koster, Vice President—Membership, SKAL International Reno; Jim Dwyer, Director—Membership, SKAL International Northern New Jersey; Dave Ryan, Director—Membership, SKAL International Sacramento; Steve Richer, Director—Public Relations and Communications, SKAL International Washington; Cyndi Golden, SKAL International Counselor, SKAL International Raleigh-Durham; Anita Peck, Auditor, SKAL International Albany; and Arthur Allis, Auditor, SKAL International Tucson.

The executive committee will focus on membership development and direct information for its 2000 members all across the country, increased usage of its website ( and Facebook page (SKAL International USA), and enhancements to its quarterly newsletter, Journeys.

"The way to grow SKAL in the United States in both relevance and membership is to increase our visibility within the industry, establish working relationships with other key trade organizations, and make sure our members are award of these efforts," said SKAL USA President Holly Powers.  "We want them to share this with others who would find SKAL to be a good global networking opportunity to generate business and enhance their careers."

The new mission statement for SKAL International USA was defined as  "Across all sectors of tourism, to provide maximum networking opportunities, career development, and business growth through leadership, trust, and friendship while supporting a responsible travel industry."

The series of objectives to build a successful future for SKAL International USA included:

  • Place SKAL in the United States on the national stage by working with other national tourism organizations.
  • Gather real time intelligence from prospective members on what would drive their interest in SKAL.
  • Highlight the networking strengths of SKAL as both a global and horizontal industry organization.
  • Focus on membership diversity.
  • Use stronger clubs to help developing clubs.
  • Build credibility and relevancy through stronger industry relationships nationally and internationally.
  • Expand programs for younger members.
  • Recruit individual members in locations without clubs.

"We are very excited about these objectives, our new mission statement, and our ability to grow our organization with such a clear vision," emphasized Powers.  "We anticipate that 2017 will be an excellent year for Skal International in the United States."

SKAL International USA is currently the largest National Committee in Skal International with 2,000 members and 48 clubs nationwide.  For more information on SKAL International and SKAL USA, and to find out more about membership, go to

Press Contact:  Holly Powers 508-528-5588

SOURCE SKAL International USA

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