NTT Resonant's Oshiete! goo Launches 'goo Shuo!' Q&A Service for Chinese Visitors

22/03/2016 23:00

Source: PR News

TOKYO, March 23, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- NTT Resonant Inc. started offering the Q&A service called "goo Shuo!" for Chinese visitors to Japan as part of its Oshiete! goo program on Wednesday, March 23.

1. What's Special About goo Shuo!

goo Shuo! is a service in which Chinese tourists in Japan or Chinese considering visiting Japan can easily ask questions in Simplified Chinese. These questions are answered in Chinese by our goo Shuo! support staff, who are well versed in Japanese tourism. Thanks to this service, visitors to Japan can get answers or hints for any worries or questions they may have, whether they're just planning to visit Japan or are already here.


Service Overview

- Essential Information for Visitors to Japan

Based on feedback from surveys conducted with Chinese living in Japan and Chinese who have visited Japan, we will create feature articles outlining helpful information, such as the manners of properly enjoying a Cherry-blossom viewing, staying in a traditional Japanese house and easily using the subway system in Tokyo.

- Answers to Submitted Questions in Simplified Chinese

Users can freely submit questions in Simplified Chinese on topics like Japanese manners regarding housing, travel, food and traffic, as well as culture and tradition. The goo Shuo! support team answers these questions in Simplified Chinese.

How to Use goo Shuo!

Users can access goo Shuo! directly via the following link from March 23.

2. Follow Up

In the first half of 2016, we plan to expand the initial Q&A service for Chinese visitors to Japan and Chinese residents of Japan, including versions in English and Traditional Chinese for users from Taiwan and Hong Kong. Additionally, deploying the expertise of our company's services such as goo Internet portal site and NTT-X Store, we are aiming to create a portal site for international visitors to Japan, based on our Q&A service, to solve user issues.

About NTT Resonant Inc.

Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo
CEO: Masahiro Wakai

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