Olivia Travel, the world's largest travel company offering chartered cruise, resort, adventure and luxury vacations specifically for the lesbian community, has scheduled its first-ever health and wellness program which will take place on the beautiful island of Hawaii at the five-star Mauna Lani Bay Hotel & Bungalows, Aug. 30-Sept. 5, 2014. Guests will be invited to participate in workshops on yoga, meditation, nutrition, fitness and health and will also have the opportunity to enjoy the top-notch comedic and musical entertainment Olivia is known to provide.
"Our guests work incredibly hard and are looking for a vacation where they can unwind, relax and regroup," said Judy Dlugacz, president and founder of Olivia Travel. "We have partnered with some of the most respected professionals in the wellness industry and combined with the breathtaking views and exquisite amenities the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel offers, we really believe this will be the first of many Olivia health & wellness vacations intended to rejuvenate the mind, body and soul."
Dr. Wayne Dyer, best-selling author and expert in the field of self development, has been announced as the keynote speaker and will introduce a step-by-step program for turning your thinking into the reality you want. Featured presenters include New York Times best-selling author, Susan Piver, who will be on-hand to conduct a seminar on mindfulness and establishing a meditation practice, and owner of OHAH Yoga, Richelle Donigan, will lead the yoga and meditation sessions. Carolyn Dunn, Ph. D. will teach how to take small steps to eat smart, and Rhonda Feldman will be speaking on physical issues of women's health and aging. Patricia O'Connor and Carol Adams will be leading sessions on empowerment, and comedienne and founder of HaHa Institute, Karen Williams, will be presenting "The Healing Power of Humor."
"Our health and wellness program is now another benefit of an Olivia vacation. Completely optional, these activities will take place mostly in the morning so that by lunchtime our guests can focus on the sun, surf, sand and the many other wonders of the Big Island. We are just so thrilled to offer this getaway to our Olivia family," said Dlugacz.
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