Press Conference for China Sports Culture Expo & China Sports Tourism Expo 2020 Themed "Healthy China, Sports Power" Held in Guangzhou

06/08/2020 09:00

Source: PR News

GUANGZHOU, China, Aug. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- On August 6, the press conference for the China Sports Culture Expo & China Sports Tourism Expo 2020 (hereafter referred to as the "CSCTE") was held in Guangzhou. China Sports Culture Expo and China Sports Tourism Expo 2020 will take place at Poly World Trade Center Exhibition Hall in Guangzhou from November 27-29, 2020. The China Sports Culture Expo will be organized by the General Administration of Sport of China and the Chinese Olympic Committee; the China Sports Tourism Expo will be organized by the All-China Sports Federation, the Chinese Olympic Committee, and the China Tourism Association. The CSCTE will be produced by the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, the Sports Culture Development Center of General Administration of Sport of China, International Data Group (IDG), and Aiqi Sports.

Huang Jin, Deputy Director of the Sports Culture Development Centre of General Administration of Sport of China, Wu Linbo, Deputy Secretary-General of People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality, Cao Kang, grade-I inspector of Press and Publicity Department of General Administration of Sport of China, Ni Dazhong, Deputy Director of the General Office of General Administration of Sport of China, Ouyang Ziwen, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group of Administration of Sport of Guangzhou Municipality, Zhu Dongfang, President of IDG Asia, and Directly Subordinate Organizations of General Administration of Sport: Party Committee of Directly Subordinate Organization of General Administration of Sport of China, Bureau of Retired Officers, Agency Service Center, Wushu Sports Management Center, China Go Association, China Cycling Association, Chinese Rugby Association, representatives of sports bureaus of other 30 provinces and cities, delegates of embassies and consulates, representatives from sports organizations, enterprises, sports associations and media at home and abroad attended the event.

To kick start the press conference, Wu Linbo, Deputy Secretary-General of People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality delivered a speech to extend welcome and express gratitude to participating delegates, on behalf of Guangzhou Municipal People's Government. Wu said that since the CSCTE was hosted in Guangzhou in 2018, it has thereafter built an international, professional, market-oriented and high-end exhibition and trading platform for sports culture and sports industry in an all-round manner, thus contributing to the high-quality development of sports and the building of an international sports city in Guangzhou. As the pandemic prevention and control stabilizes in Guangzhou, major sports events thereby witness resumption. On a theme resonating with the situation, the CSCTE this year will vigorously advance the promotion of sportsmanship, the spread of sports culture and the development of the sports industry.

People gathering again in Guangzhou, the CSCTE faces new challenges and more stringent requirements.

In his speech, Huang Jin, Deputy Director of the Sports Culture Development Centre of General Administration of Sport of China, said that the CSCTE is the only expo of its kind hosted by General Administration of Sport of China. The expos progressing as scheduled shows that General Administration of Sport of China attaches great importance to them, which are confronted with new challenges and more stringent requirements. Given that pandemic prevention and control have become the norm, the CSCTE will inject strong impetus into the development of the sports industry, while offering an important platform to honor the responsibility of people of the sports industry, strengthen people's confidence in the sports industry and boost the development of the sports, cultural and tourism industry.

Boasting four highlights, the CSCTE builds a smart future for China's sports culture and tourism industry

Deputy Director Huang Jin emphasized the highlights and features of the CSCTE in 2020. Firstly, the CSCTE this year, on the theme of "Healthy China, Powered by Sports", is committed to gathering the strengths of the sports sector to help build a moderately prosperous society in all respects; secondly, for the cultural exhibition and characteristic events, it will focus on the "intangible cultural heritage of Chinese sports", and will revolve around such traditional sports events as martial arts and Chinese go among others to carry out the promotional activities of excellent sports culture of China; third, it will integrate resources spanning the regions more extensively, while involving the project centers of the national ministries, commissions and sports systems, associations, local governments, sports culture and tourism departments, and domestic and foreign high-quality sports enterprises, with a view to building a multi-party docking platform for governments, associations, enterprises, consumers, etc., and bolstering the development of sports industry; fourth, it will step up the development of smart science and technology, promote the application of cloud, AI, 5G, big data and other important technologies for "new infrastructure" projects, stimulate new forms of sports consumption, and expand the market space of the sports industry.

Deputy Director Huang Jin stressed that the CSCTE would be hosted in accordance with requirements of central and local governments, making a scientific and effective response to the needs of COVID-19 prevention and control. Based on the COVID-19 prevention and control plan offline, the expos have expanded online service, making available convenient online participation for foreign guests and exhibitors who cannot show up in person, thus enhancing the CSCTE capabilities of delivering intelligent services.

Zhang Zheng, Deputy Director of Wushu Sports Management Center of General Administration of Sport of China, and Wang Yi, Deputy President of the Chinese Go Association are important partners. They stated that they would make good use of the national integrated platform of sports culture and sports tourism, and endeavor to reflect the cultural value and connotations of the excellent traditional sports of China. At the same time, they would build a platform to display traditional sports culture and allow the public to have communications and gain experience, thus promoting the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture.

Featuring four components, the CSCTE creates an event for cultural exchange and innovation

At the press conference, President of IDG Asia Zhu Dongfang gave a detailed introduction of the specific composition of the CSCTE. Zhu Dongfang said that the CSCTE would be composed of four parts: exhibitions, forums, supporting activities and business matching. From the exhibition scale to the media coverage, the CSCTE will deliver new outstanding performances.

Concerning exhibitions, seven exhibition sections are set, namely sports culture, sports brands, domestic and international delegations, sports facility operation and equipment, domestic sports culture and tourism, sports technologies, health and outdoor sports, creative sports products, and applications, to display the Chinese sports achievements in an all-round manner; concerning forums, the CSCTE covers sports culture, cultural and tourism development, business matching, innovation and business startup, sports business, hot projects, business negotiation among others. Leadership of governments and international organizations, business leaders, experts and scholars, venture capitalists and representatives of those who start up new businesses among the elites from all walks of life gather around to contribute wisdom and insights for the integrated development of the global sports culture and sports tourism from a multidimensional perspective of production, study and research; in terms of supporting activities, various events are carried out for B2B and B2C, including selection of China's top sports tourism projects, cooperation between the host country, host province and host city, release of research report on the development of China's cultural tourism and sports industry, intellectual games, promotion of sports film and television projects among others, thus providing rich experience for the public.

At the conference, the new logos of the CSCTE made an appearance. The logo of China Sports Culture Expo incorporates into a star the Chinese character "wen" inspired by the ancient Chinese art of seal carving, while the logo of China Sports Tourism Expo presents an abstract human shape through stars. The two logos embody China's profound culture and convey the unyielding sportsmanship. The unveiling of the logos means that the CSCTE will guide the reform and innovation of the expos based on the more profound cultural heritage, thus making steady progress and fulfilling more targets.

For more information, please visit, or follow the "China Sports Culture Expo and China Sports Tourism Expo" WeChat official account.


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