Pristine Agency Reviews the Safest Places to Travel

05/04/2016 16:43

Source: PR News

HENDERSON, Nev., April 5, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- While most destinations are quite safe for U.S. travelers, there are some countries which are statistically safer than others. Take a closer look at 8 of the safest places to travel today.

Iceland - Iceland is a country with an extremely low murder rate and a popular tourist destination.  The country depends on and invests heavily in tourism.  Though Iceland is one the safest countries in the world to visit, local authorities advise caution in bars in the city of Reykjavik.

Portugal - Last year, Portugal enjoyed one of its most successful years in tourism. The threat of any violent crimes is extremely low, however, other crimes are on the increase.  Use common sense to avoid of becoming a victim of a petty crime.

Denmark - Denmark is a country where women in particular can travel safely without fear of harassment. There are no alerts or warnings in Denmark except the usual for travelers who are more subject to having a wallet or purse stolen.

Australia - Overall, Australia is one of the top 10 safest places to travel and tourism is a main source of revenue for the country.  Travelers in some of the larger cities may be more likely to become a victim of assaults or thefts, but millions of people travel to Australia every year with very few incidents.

New Zealand - In New Zealand, the risk of terrorism is highly unlikely, and the crime rate is very low. Tourists are still cautioned to watch their belongings, but that is true for travelers everywhere.

Switzerland - Switzerland has no terrorism alerts or warnings for tourists relating to crime, however, as with many mountainous countries, the risk of landslides, floods and avalanches do exist in certain cities within this picturesque country.

Finland - Finland's crime rate is lower than the United States, and their risk for terrorism is ranked one of the lowest in the world. Police services are extremely reliable, making Finland an all-around safe destination.

Canada - Over 2 million people visit Canada every year with very limited reports of trouble.  There are no travel warnings for Canada at this time.

Anyone considering travel outside of the U.S. should check with the U.S. Department of State's travel page on their website.  The site is continually updated providing warnings and alerts regarding terrorism and violent crimes.

Pristine Agency is a wholesale travel provider located in Henderson, NV who offers unique travel experiences to destinations around the world.


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SOURCE Pristine Agency

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