Southwest Pilots Join Other Labor Unions to Picket at White House in Protest of NAI Permit

13/05/2016 11:00

Source: PR News

DALLAS, May 13, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Pilots from the Southwest Airlines Pilots' Association (SWAPA) joined with Labor from across the country to stage informational picketing in front of the White House on Thursday. The groups rallied in opposition of the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT) tentative approval to grant Norwegian Air International (NAI) a foreign air carrier permit. The pilots at Southwest, like many others, believe the DOT's decision sets a dangerous precedent in aviation and demonstrates the administration's unwillingness to enforce trade agreements and ensure a level playing field for American workers.

"Southwest pilots are proud to stand with our peers and oppose this dangerous decision," said Captain Jon Weaks, SWAPA President. "If not reversed, Norwegian Air International will possess an unparalleled advantage over U.S. carriers and that is a direct threat to the thousands of aviation workers who operate and support the nation's international flights."

Norwegian Air Shuttle (NAS), NAI's parent company, currently flies to the U.S. using Norwegian crews, operating under Norway's labor and social laws. NAS could expand its current operation to meet its growth plans but instead chooses to evade Norwegian labor and social laws and establish an Irish-based subsidiary. This scheme is in direct violation of article 17 of the U.S.-EU Open Skies agreement.

SWAPA urges the DOT to reverse its tentative decision and preserve a fair and level playing field for U.S. workers by denying NAI a Foreign Carrier Permit.

Located in Dallas, Texas, the Southwest Airlines Pilots' Association (SWAPA) is a non-profit employee organization representing the more than 8,000 pilots of Southwest Airlines. SWAPA works to provide a secure and rewarding career for Southwest pilots and their families through negotiating contracts, defending contractual rights and actively promoting professionalism and safety. For more information on the Southwest Airlines Pilots' Association, visit or Twitter @swapapilots.


SOURCE Southwest Airlines Pilots' Association

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