The Franklin Institute Debuts The World Premiere Exhibit "The Worst-Case Scenario: Survival Experience" Based On The Internationally Best-Selling Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook Series

02/10/2019 11:40

Source: PR News

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Strategies of survival and elements of escape are showcased in a world premiere exhibition experience debuting at The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia on October 19, 2019. Based on the internationally best-selling survival handbook series that was created in Philadelphia and published in 1999 by Chronicle Books and has sold more than 10 million copies, The Worst-Case Scenario: Survival Experience is a hands-on, minds-on logical series of immersive challenges providing the essential instructions for surviving unexpected but possible real-life scenarios with countless moments of excitement and laughter throughout. 

Through real-world problem solving, mind-boggling tasks, and energizing activities, the exhibit is designed to help develop the fundamental skills that are used in all worst-case scenarios: staying calm, thinking logically, using creativity, and being prepared. The exhibition features practical situational exercises that utilize many of the skills that are acquired through tinkering and making—and encourages participant exploration and discovery.


Iconic imagery of the best-selling book and brand is carried throughout the exhibit. Real-world survival stories are featured in the superhero-themed graphics, artifacts, and photos that line the Hall of Fame gallery. From evading an angry lion to surviving a shark attack, this exhibit answers: What were the survivors thinking? And what skills did they employ? The Hall also celebrates the heroes who encounter worst-case scenarios daily: emergency first responders, wildlife rescue workers, psychologists, and physical trainers.

Learn how to jump from a moving train car, pick a lock, escape from quicksand, survive an avalanche, and more in the thirteen challenges that fill the Survival  Gymnasium, which offers step by step instructions, expert advice, and the training to build the worst-case survival skills.  

Tools for extreme survival, including counterintuitive uses for everyday items are on display, plus graphics that share how to identify anxiety and fear within the body and uncover how stress, physical exhaustion, and disorientation can make an activity, like surviving, more challenging.

Listening stations throughout the Gymnasium reveal additional advice and how-to's from the original audiobook voiced by film legend Burt Reynolds, and a live actor who plays the role of "Worst-Case Pro" will explore the gallery and offer witty lines and pro-tips in an engaging and humorous tone.

"Ingenuity, creative thinking, and multi-step problem-solving are not only crucial for the next-generation workforce but for everyone, and this is an exhibit that helps develop those skills in an immensely interactive and engaging way," said Franklin Institute President and CEO Larry Dubinski. "Millions of readers over the past two decades have been exposed to the wit and wisdom of THE WORST-CASE SCENARIO SURVIVAL HANDBOOK, and we are thrilled to debut the Experience this fall."  

The game-changing exhibit debuts during the international bestseller's 20th anniversary this fall. The celebration began in April 2019 when Philadelphia natives and co-authors David Borgenicht and Joshua Piven re-launched a completely revised and updated edition of the original handbook, with 20 all-new scenarios for 21st century threats (including cyberbullying, extreme weather and "fake news") and advice that is fully up-to-date with the latest information from dozens of experts.

"Josh and I always dreamed of turning WORST-CASE SCENARIO into an interactive experience, and we couldn't be more excited about partnering with the Franklin Institute to make this come to life," said co-author David Borgenicht. "Adults and kids will have a great time testing their limits, facing their fears, and learning to survive life's sudden turns for the worst."

"We're so fortunate to have an amazingly talented team that's really brought the books to life and created not just an exhibit but really a first-of-its-kind experience that's going to amaze and educate museum visitors," said co-author Josh Piven.

The Worst-Case Scenario: Survival Experience is produced by Exhibits Development Group and developed by Geoffrey M. Curley + Associates in collaboration with Quirk Books and The Franklin Institute. The Franklin Institute is proud to present The Worst-Case Scenario: Survival Experience in the Mandell Center from October 19, 2019, through April 19, 2020.  

© 2019 Worst-Case Scenario An Ultimate Survival Experience and Logo are trademarks of Quirk Books Inc. used under license. All rights reserved

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