Uber-like App For Live Streaming

12/05/2016 12:05

Source: PR News

AUSTIN, Texas, May 12, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- WorldRelay, an Austin-based new media company is announcing 121Live, an app that facilitates paid peer-to-peer live video by connecting subscribers looking for a new experiences with GPS-equipped streamers who have Smartphones, GoPros, 360° panoramic cameras, or drones.

"121Live is an app where anyone with a smartphone can become a streamer, creating custom video from their point of view. At the same time, 121Live subscribers will get to decide exactly what they want to see from the app on their smartphone or TV," explained WorldRelay co-founder, Ellis Hill.

"Be There From Anywhere."

The inspiration for 121Live came during a visit by Gilbert Amine, the company's founder, to a hospice in Austin where he saw patients staring at a mural depicting a natural landscape. "Surely there must be a better way with today's technology for us all to experience the actual sights on our bucket list," he said.

New technologies, such as VR/360°, will provide an immersive "presence" experience that could disrupt the tourism industry.

In addition to immersive VR tourism, 121Live's reach expands to include real estate showings, education, extreme sports, and newsgathering. Some use cases may look mundane in comparison, but have practical value. Examples include getting a personal tour of a college campus, visiting a potential apartment, and checking out venues for a business event.    

Large social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are rapidly embracing live smartphone and VR video and are investing tens millions of dollars into these new technologies. "They undoubtedly recognize the huge potential of live streaming to offer value-added services and grow advertising," said University of Texas RTF major and 121Live Streamer, Dana Summers. "However, making money is not feasible without millions of followers. You can look good to your friends, but at the end of the day, you are paying for a 360 camera or a drone and spending time creating quality content in order to make money for Facebook," she added.

121Live promises to change this by providing streamers a market-driven platform where they could make as much as $100 / hour, depending on their location, skill set, and quality of reviews from subscribers.

World Relay's crowdfunding campaign has launched today on Kickstarter where early adopters can engage with the new technology and make the marketplace a reality. Early access to the iOS and Android apps are available for $8 and VR tours of Jerusalem and the Olympic Village in Rio are available for $50.

For more information, please visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1692700066/121live-be-there-from-anywhere or visit http://www.121live.tv. Graphics associated with 121Live are available at http://images.worldrelayinc.netdna-cdn.com/121Live/121Live_Graphics.zip.

Troy Harvey, Director of Content and Partnerships
Tel: +1 (561) 252-0977


SOURCE WorldRelay

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