UPS Pilots Applaud Senator Klobuchar for Introducing Amendment to End Cargo Exclusion from Part 117

16/03/2016 06:00

Source: PR News

LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 16, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Independent Pilots Association applauds Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) for introducing an amendment to end the exclusion of cargo-only airlines from Part 117 flightcrew duty and rest requirements during a mark-up of the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization bill in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.  Senator Klobuchar's amendment would establish one level of aviation safety by applying the same fatigue rules currently followed by passenger airline pilots.

Captain Robert Travis, President of the Independent Pilots Association, commends Senator Klobuchar for her leadership on the issue of pilot fatigue and air safety.  "Senator Klobuchar's stand to fix this deeply flawed, two-tiered safety standard will end the cargo carve-out that leaves our pilots subject to rules that do not reflect the best available science about pilot fatigue.  As pilots who fly nightly across multiple time zones, we are grateful for Senator Klobuchar's leadership and efforts on this issue, along with those of Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) who initially introduced the Safe Skies legislation in the United States Senate."

Senator Klobuchar is an original cosponsor of S. 1612, Senator Barbara Boxer's Safe Skies Act.


SOURCE Independent Pilots Association

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