Tourismembassy Blog

@LindtUK -Lindt #EXCELLENCE To Serve As #Official #Chocolate #Sponsor Of 2014 #FOOD & #WINE Classic In #Aspen

Premium Chocolatier Celebrates with Perfect Pairings and a Chance to Win a Trip to the FOOD & WINE Classic in Aspen

26/02/2014 14:45


Hope you have a great new year 2014. Let the celebration begin. Cheers to 2014. May all your dreams come true.. !

The Tourismembassy Team

31/12/2013 08:58

Happy Holiday 2013-2014

28/12/2013 14:00

The use of new technologies in the tourism industry

Technology has had great impacts on the tourism as well as other sectors affiliated to tourism.  These are sectors such as transport, communication and tours among other sectors. Over the years, the use of technology in tourism has been enhanced uniquely to provide very exclusive services all across the globe. In the recent past when technology was rarely used in the tourism sector, most services were of very poor quality and equally unreliable. However, with time technology has gone a long way in improving the quality of service delivery in the tourism sector.

23/10/2013 13:26