I love to communicate, discover my projects and to position them on top of the network ... Among the world's top social network sites is tourismembassy.com. The biggest project in the world focussed on tourism.
Lee - Freelance community manager with multiple SEO projects and tourism 2.0
My birthdays are always full of surprises and where my friends always have fun. To enjoy another party soon, hopefully this year goes fast. Next year we will celebrate it in a very famous park near Paris ... Sound familiar? Don´t tell... Its another surprise !
Keira & Gael - Professional event organizer
The real experience and the best of an international hostel is to enjoy the great atmosphere and that local staff take care of you. Single rooms well secured. Almost always located in the city centre, we take care of everything ...I play every night with my friends on the newest PlayStation. My favourite games are Socom and Motor storm.
William - Responsible for maintaining an international hostel