Colorful Bhutan Travels

  • Tipo di conto: Tourismembassy Imprese
  • Numero di Licenza: 1034428
  • Posizione di lavoro: Managing Director
  • Da: Thimphu, Bhutan, Bhutan
  • Che cosa: Agente
  • Dove: Agenzia di viaggi
  • Industria: Viaggi e Trasporti
  • Iscritto dal: 2017-03-16
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Lingue parlate:
Bhutan European Union India Nepal United Kingdom United States

We are a proud member of the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB)
Travel to Bhutan is governed by a strict Tourism policy, our rates are fixed by the government, and we have only a small leeway of providing up to 10% discount. All tour Operator in Bhutan are therefore the same. The only thing that makes us stand out of the crowd is our high quality in services that we provide to our clients.

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