• Tipo de conta: Tourismembassy Empresa
  • De: Chiasso, Ticino, Suíça
  • O que: Market Manager
  • Onde: Outro
  • Indústria: Software e Web App
  • Membro desde: 2014-12-03

Idiomas que eu falo:
Austria Brazil Canada France Germany Italy Portugal Spain Switzerland United Kingdom United States

Eventboost is a new, unique-on-the-market, integrated web platform enabling event professionals to manage guests and invitees before, during and after any type of event, including paid admission. On-line registration page, social networks, badges, invitations, confirmations, reminders and follow-up with just one click! Check-in is simple, fast and paperless, thanks to the integrated iPad app equipped with built-in barcode reader. Everything is fully customizable and remains safely stored in cloud in order to be easily retrieved in case of recurrent events.

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