Where everything started
There are no more doubts now about the fact that el Celler de Can Roca in Girona Cataluña is the best restaurant of the world.
As we all know now, the World´s 50 best restaurants list recognized the Celler de Can Roca restaurant as the number 1 of the world.
But what maybe no one would have expected is the success of Can Roca bar –restaurant since then.
Can Roca is the place where everything started, the very first restaurant of the family.
Also located in the neighbourhood of Taialà and situated no more then 150 meters away from the very famous restaurant, Can Roca is a Bar- Restaurant where you can enjoy a menu for 10 euros/person. (House wine – water or soft drink included) Coffee and other special request are charged separately.
This restaurant has become almost as famous then El Celler de Can Roca.
Restaurant Can Roca has always been a good restaurant where workers of the area have their meals but since Roca Family have been awarded you can now see people from around the world in this restaurant.
While it maybe takes you a long-time for you to get a table in the Celler de Can Roca or your budget does not allowed you to spend this amount of money (even so knowing that you would get the best actual food experience in town) you might probably want to experience something different and be part of the origin of the most known restaurant of the world.
Can Roca bar-restaurant has become a tourist activity in town and a place where you´ll eat with workers of the area, business men, tourists, artists, politics and many other people from the high society of Girona that comes to have their daily meal there.
A place where all the staff is nice and friendly and food is well prepared. The multi choice menu is mentioned by the restaurant staff and it´s served by a team in a relax atmosphere.
Do not expect to get high cuisine and fancy dishes but you´ll get for sure a great taste of local traditional Catalan cuisine that will be very well prepared.
If you come to Girona, we would recommend you to have a meal at Can Roca restaurant but as the restaurant gets more and more famous among travellers, we would recommend also you to book a table.
Girona has become a must do stop while traveling in Cataluña.
We would recommend you to stay at least two o three days to enjoy Girona and surroundings. Girona town and nearby place have so much to offer and it is for sure a very charming city.
What about us? We go time to time in the restaurant so we´ll maybe meet one day there, who knows!
Maybe one day Can Roca restaurant will also be for us WHERE EVERYTHING STARTED….
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