Tourismembassy Blog

Tourismembassy sponsor Las Vegas Talk Radio - Las Vegas USA-

05/01/2014 05:56


Hope you have a great new year 2014. Let the celebration begin. Cheers to 2014. May all your dreams come true.. !

The Tourismembassy Team

31/12/2013 08:58

Happy Holiday 2013-2014

28/12/2013 14:00

Impacts of amusement parks on tourism

Impacts of amusement parks on tourism

Amusement parks can be best described as artificially created parks that are designed and developed for the sole purpose of offering visitors   entertainment and new experiences. Over the years, there has been the coming up of very notable amusement parks such as Disney; parks that have had a great impact on tourism. There are endless economic aspects that are associated with the establishment of these parks. By extension, the parks have also had notable influence on tourism and lead to the upcoming of new trends in tourism. Amusement parks constitute a substantial proportion of the total global tourism. This is because of the fact that these parks boast of very high numbers through out the year. There is practically no peak and off-peak seasons for amusement parks.

21/10/2013 15:11