Tourismembassy Blog

Impact of Natural Disasters on the Tourism Industry

Tourism has always been regarded as the impetus that brings in new business opportunities and economic development for a region. As an industry, there are several factors that have an impact on tourism both positively and negatively. One such aspect is the natural disasters and climate changes that occur in a place unexpectedly. 

Message in a bottle

Sending message in a bottle -  does it sound romantic? Unfortunately, there is no romance in it. In fact, there is no common sense to it as it refers to the pollution from plastics that is threatening our seas and oceans today. 

Impact of Circus in the Tourism Industry

Circus has always fascinated people because it is a unique form of 'live' entertainment. It is believed to have had its origins in the Roman Empire where the first ever circus company called Circus Maximus was formed. After the fall of the Roman Empire, there was no defined circus company and there were only small wandering groups that traveled from one place to another to showcase their skills. The circus industry was revived during the 18th century by a Briton named Philip Astley, who is often regarded as the 'Father of Modern Circus.' Since then, circus companies have flourished in different parts of Europe and it spread to other parts of the world such as Asia, Russia and the Americas.

26/01/2014 11:31

Art of carving fruits and vegetables

The mesmerizing art of carving fruits and vegetables originated in the Far East and has caught on in other parts of the world as well. It was believed to have been practiced in Japan and Thailand 700 years ago. Also called as Mukimono in Japan, chefs carved vegetables to garnish food. In Thailand too, it was used to decorate rafts during important festivals. In both the countries, it was started by chefs who wanted to impress the members of the royal family with their skills. Over a period of time, this art was passed on from one generation to another and it also became more refined over the years. With colonialism and globalization, it spread to other parts of the world and today, it is practiced seen as a form of art in both Eastern and Western countries. 

25/01/2014 13:22

Massage around the world

Massage around the world

Post only in English

Massages were used as a natural remedy for pains and soreness since the hunting and gathering days of human civilization. It is based on the basic instinct of rubbing the part that hurts, similar to the instinct of drinking for thirst. In ancient times, massages were a powerful healer and there were even people who were believed to have the 'spiritual power' to heal pains. Since then, this knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. Depending on the geographical region in which massage was used, the techniques handed down vary differently.

25/01/2014 10:35

Do you want to relax ?

Do you want to relax ?

Lovely place to discover El Nido - Palawan - Philippines

The Golden Temple Amritsar - Sunday Morning visit -

The Golden Temple Amritsar - Sunday Morning visit -

The Harmandir Sahib, in Amritsar, is the most sacred place of the Sikh religion.

-Handicraft Local Market from around the world-

We love Handicraft,

Handicraft Markets are 100 % linked to the Tourism Industry and visiting those Markets becomes a great tourist activity.


Think Out of the Box

Think Outside of the Box is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective.

Creativity + Productivity = Success 

This concept has become widely used in business environments, especially by Tourism consultants and executive coaches in the Industry.


Imagination is more important than Knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Albert Einstein

11/01/2014 06:46


Hope you have a great new year 2014. Let the celebration begin. Cheers to 2014. May all your dreams come true.. !

The Tourismembassy Team

31/12/2013 08:58

Happy Holiday 2013-2014

28/12/2013 14:00

Where everything started

Where everything started

There are no more doubts now about the fact that el Celler de Can Roca in Girona Cataluña is the best restaurant of the world. 

As we all know now, the World´s 50 best restaurants list recognized the Celler de Can Roca restaurant as the number 1 of the world.

26/10/2013 05:31

The use of new technologies in the tourism industry

Technology has had great impacts on the tourism as well as other sectors affiliated to tourism.  These are sectors such as transport, communication and tours among other sectors. Over the years, the use of technology in tourism has been enhanced uniquely to provide very exclusive services all across the globe. In the recent past when technology was rarely used in the tourism sector, most services were of very poor quality and equally unreliable. However, with time technology has gone a long way in improving the quality of service delivery in the tourism sector.

23/10/2013 13:26

Impact of the music industry in the tourism industry

The tourism industry has topped as one of the fastest developing sectors of the global economy. This unique success has been attributed to a number of factors most notably the impact of that the music industry has had on tourism. In the present day, music flows in arguably each and every sector of the economy. As such, it has had great influences on tourism and has thereby left behind a trail of benefits on the sector. Over the years, music has been revolutionalized a lot leading to emerging trends in the music industry. It is very important to note that there are a number of ways through which music has affected tourism either directly or indirectly.

18/10/2013 12:58

Impact of casinos in main tourists places

Impact of casinos in main tourists places

The tourism industry remains one of the fastest developing industries all across the globe. This is because of the fact that the industry has been quite open to developments and changes that having in turn enabled the sector to be quite vibrant and dynamic. Similarly, the gaming industry has also grown at a very outstanding rate and has had great impacts on tourism and other sectors. Casinos in particular have had a wide range of effects on tourism by acting as a key attraction factor to most tourist destinations. Over the years, the gaming  industry especially casinos have been refined uniquely  to possess world class  features that  go a long way in  enhancing the quality of services offered in casinos.

14/10/2013 11:19

Impact of religion on Tourism

Religion has over the years had great effects and impacts on tourism. This is due to the fact that religion has influenced the tourism scene in an outstanding manner. Notably, there are very many religious sites that also double as key tourist attraction sites. As such, it goes without saying that these two sectors are interrelated with each other as they are dependent of each other. One of the greatest things about religion is that it is very old. 

Tourismology by Tourismembassy

The tourism sector has grown way beyond anyone’s expectations. This is due to the reason that the sector has been very vibrant and equally dynamic in a way that has made it one of the highest revenue contributors to the global economy. Specifically, in developing countries such as countries in Africa, tourism is ranked as the number one source of revenue for these countries. The increased growth of the sector has made it quite possible for the sector to offer a wide range of employment opportunities.

Impacts of war conflicts in the tourism industry

There is arguably no doubt about the importance of tourism in the economy of any country. This is due to the reason tourism contributes to more than 50% of a country’s economy annually. Despite the fact that the tourism sector has been thriving greatly over the last few years, it has also been greatly affected by war conflicts and instabilities in countries. Generally, for tourism to thrive efficiently peace and stability are some of the most important factors that need to be enhanced. Countries that have experienced war conflicts have suffered a great blow in its tourism sector. War conflicts and political have great negative impacts on tourism. These impacts are such as:

20/09/2013 15:03

Tourism industry- Homes -Apartments- Private accommodations

The tourism sector/industry has been one of the most vibrant sectors of the economy. This is due to the reason that the sector has been very dynamic with the onset of new trends and developments in the sector. The best thing about trends and developments in the tourism sector is the fact that these trends have led to the incredible growth of the sector. This has in turn made it quite easy to ensure that the sector has a lot to offer to travelers who spend their hard earned cash in visiting different places allover the world. The sector records high activity mainly during summers and holiday seasons when people have a lot of time in their hands to visit different places.

20/09/2013 14:48

Fast developing tourism trends

The tourism sector has over the years remained to be one of the most lucrative sectors of the economy. This is because of the reason that it is a sector that is not only very lucrative but also has great potential that can bring great returns if fully exploited. However, even with the great potential that lies in this sector the global tourism scene has not been put to its full use. This has had a great impact on the growth of tourism globally. Even so, the sector has been shaping up at a fast pace in a way that there are   new trends in tourism. These trends are such as:

20/09/2013 14:18

Designs and architecture used in new hotels

Unlike a few years ago when you could hardly find luxurious hotel, in the present day these hotels are quite common. This is due to the fact that there has been the setting up of new hotels that come with world class interior designs and styles. The best thing about this world class architecture is that it serves as a key selling point for the hotels. In the present day, tourists prefer staying in highly luxurious hotels that enable them to have a comfortable stay as opposed to simple hotels with no touch of style.

20/09/2013 14:11

Near Space Resort: Holidays to the Final Frontier

What is tourism to you? Is it lying on a beach on a tropical island? Does a hotel 400 kilometers above the Earth sound better? With Galactic Suite, the future will grant you both.

A new and exciting holiday destination is on the horizon, and that destination is space. It might sound farfetched, but development is well underway for the first ever commercial near space hotel - the Galactic Suite Space Resort - which will offer unprecedented getaways to the boundaries of space. It is a thrilling prospect that will no doubt have many profound effects on space tourism and development for future space technology, and as long as you can afford the price, then you could soon be able to book a luxury suite at this near space hotel, and enjoy what will clearly be an absolutely unforgettable experience.

15/09/2013 10:02

Cruise industry

Cruise vacations are popular and is enjoyed by people of all ages. They provide a relaxing getaway and at the same time, there is ample entertainment for everyone on the floor. The endless expanse of water soothes the mind and relieves stress while the amenities offered on the ship provide a delectable experience for the travelers. Due to the reasons, cruises are sought-after by anyone looking to take a break from their routine life.

There are many kinds of cruises available today and it is up to the users to decide which cruise works best for them and their family. It is a good idea to know what each type of cruise means and what kind of experience one can get out of it before deciding on the right one. Some of the popular kinds of cruises available today are luxury cruises, exploration cruises, special-interest cruises, family cruises, single cruises, couple cruises, senior cruises, premium cruises and river cruises.


15/09/2013 09:52